We want to thank Student Health Services for coming out to BGCC to vaccinate many of our employees who wanted to be vaccinated in March. April is turning out to be a super busy month for us. Please read below for more information.
Pre-K Graduation
Pre-K Graduation will be on Friday, April 30 at 3PM. Three tents will be set up in our parking lot; one for each classroom. The children will exit through the front doors and walk down the sidewalk to their designated tent. Non-graduate classrooms will watch the procession from the grassy areas. Families will have reserved chairs in your child’s classroom tent with names to ensure physical distancing. If you watch your child walk from the front door, please make sure you are 6-feet away from others/classrooms. Masks must be worn at all times by adults and children 10 and above.
Summer and Fall Enrollment Updates
Thank you for getting back your summer contracts for those returning in the summer. We are offering spaces to families on the waitlist to fill vacant spaces for the summer and then we will send out the fall semester contract. We plan to send out the fall semester contracts very soon.
School Age
We still have a few openings for children who have completed 1st-4th grades. If you know of anyone who is looking for a school age summer program, send them our way. They do have to be affiliated with Texas A&M University.
Week of the Young Child
WHEREAS: The first years of a child’s life are the period of the most rapid brain development and lay the foundation for all future learning. Children’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional, and language and literacy development are built on a foundation of children’s positive interactions with adults, peers, and their environment. High–quality early childhood programs provide important benefits to children, families and our state and national economies.
WHEREAS: High–quality early childhood education depends on high–quality early childhood educators who ensure that children, supported by families, have the early experiences they need for a strong foundation.
AND WHEREAS WE CELEBRATE: The 50th Anniversary of the WOYC so that we can continue to recognize and advance the early childhood education profession.
Therefore, be it resolved that the Becky Gates Children’s Center does hereby proclaim April 10-16 as the Week of the Young Child, and does hereby recognize that when our society invests in educators, we also invest in children and families.
Classrooms will have many activities planned throughout the week for:
Music Monday
Tasty Tuesday
Work Together Wednesday
Artsy Thursday
Family Friday
National Student Employment Week April 12-16
Each year colleges and universities across the country recognize the importance of the student employee experience during National Student Employment Week. Student employment offers students career-enhancing opportunities, the ability to develop skills relevant in any career, and better preparation for the job market upon graduation.
On their campuses and throughout their communities, student employees perform invaluable services with enthusiasm, dedication, and initiative. Indeed, most schools and surrounding businesses depend on the contributions of this reliable workforce for the efficient operation of the campus and community.
Each year Texas A&M University celebrates National Student Employment Week during the second full week of April. National Student Employment Week enables us to recognize and thank Texas A&M students for the contributions they make as employees to the University and the Bryan/College Station community.
Join us in celebrating and thanking our student workers! Feel free to send a note on how much you appreciate them and what they do for you child!
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is April 12-25 and will be virtual. Beginning on April 12 go to BGCC Book Fair Homepage to purchase books for your child, family, and the classroom. Each classroom will have a Wish List to share with you!
Family conferences will begin April 5 and go until April 23. Look for an email from your child’s teacher in how to sign-up. Family conferences will be done over zoom again. We highly encourage everyone to take this wonderful opportunity to have personal time with your child’s teacher. The teachers work hard observing, documenting, and assessing the children and look forward to sharing this information with you. If you cannot attend the day your teacher is available, please let them know and another time will be scheduled.
Family Workshop
The Family Workshop scheduled for April 2 has been moved to Friday, May 7, from 12-1PM. The topic is Recognizing Diversity. See below for zoom information.
Time: May 7, 2021 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 754 5097 8668
Passcode: ang01e