Welcome new and returning families joining us this summer! We look forward to another great summer full of fun and exciting activities like splash and messy art days! 

We are excited to have our school age children back for the summer. Our summer school age program is led by TAMU students. Two of our own student employees Mr. Kasey (12th Man Classroom and SPED major) and Ms. Cynthia (Aggies Classroom and Parks and Rec major) will be our leads for the summer. Joining them will be Education majors Ms. Mattie, Ms. Cenia, and Mr. Brecken. The summer school age program is an inquiry-based program housed in the newly updated multipurpose building. 

Be sure to check out our summer calendar for our events and closings. One of our favorite days of the year is International Mud Day on June 29. We join thousands of early childhood professionals and children from around the word playing and having fun with mud. International Mud Day arose from members of the “Nature Action Collaborative for Children” at the “World Forum for Early Childhood Care and Education.” Check out the free books below all about MUD!

The Mud Book 

Who Likes Mud Book written by NACC Leader, Swati Popat. 

Ms. Kay, 12th Man Classroom Teacher, is retiring after 16 years of service to the Becky Gates Children’s Center. Please join us on June 28 to celebrate Ms. Kay!

Summer Calendar

Erica Ritter
Erica RitterDirector