This month’s spotlight shines on our nursing student workers who have helped us out all summer. They have been making sure everyone is well here at Becky Gates Children’s Center.

The students gained critical healthcare experience while also keeping our children and faculty safe from the spread of coronavirus. They screened the temperatures, symptoms, possible exposure, and travel history of incoming students, made sure health stations were clean, organized the health records, and reminded others of physical distancing. The nursing students had already been trained on how to do all of these special tasks, so this partnership served to ingrain them as necessary behaviors. Being on the front line of a pandemic response takes a lot of courage, so we are thankful and proud of our nurses-in-training for their hard work in this difficult season.

We appreciate you immensely Samantha Beacham, Cassandra Durden, Taylor Pohl, Brooke Townsend, and Erica Wray!

nursing students